Over the last 10 years I started a lot of projects. Puzzle Pieces, Walker of Aldenor and Gems Defenders are only few of those that I truly finished. I would love to finish any project I start so only projects I am serious about are visible on this RoadMap.
Super Secret Multiplayer Project Announcement
Technology demoSuper fun basic gameplay loopSuper cute design- Great controls
- Kick ass story
- Finished internal testing
- Reliable multiplayer experience
- Meaningful texts
- Privacy Policy (GDPR etc.)
- Public test & Announcement
Tabletop Tactical Shooter
- Finishing the ruleset
- Playtesting
- Creating Itch.io page
- Releasing the game
- Localisation into Czech language
Fantasy book
Finishing the textsCreating Anotation- Creating cover
- Trying to get it released by existing book publisher
- Release it anyway through other means if it gets rejected
- English translation?
Re-release of Walker of Aldenor
- Figuring out the means and possibilities for long-term support
- If there are no good means the game might get abandoned altogether
- Creating Itch.io page
- Releasing the version as is
- Reworking step-counter solution
- Fixing any existing or new found bugs